The Experts in Animal Health

When it comes to timely hiring of top talent, we are not alone. We reported last year hiring time worsened for 59% of our industry colleagues, with less than 10% improving. And turnover increased vs. pre-pandemic and acceptance rates declining slightly.

On the clinical side, vet tech positions were averaging 9 months to fill, with veterinary roles averaging 16!

SHRM reports that hiring time is up 40% vs pre-pandemic times. As our industry innovates into non-traditional areas such as insurance, data, wearables, consumer packaged goods, and more, we’re competing for talent there. And our competition is among the most attractive and most agile in the world. One recruiting expert offers, “One reason is that the unemployment rate is very low, so people can be very discriminating in the jobs they take. Another reason is that the hiring process in many companies is a bureaucratic mess.”

Make sure your process is accessible and convenient. Follow up promptly with applicants. A good recruiter can help improve and streamline your process thereby securing that top talent you need.

Jeff Santosuosso

en_USEnglish (United States)