Our team brings deals to fruitionRanging from entire companies, innovative technologies or collabrative agreements, Brakke Consulting’s systematic approach gets deals done.
No other firm can match Brakke Consulting’s experience representing individuals and companies in major business transactions in animal health.
Whether you’re considering the purchase or sale of a single product, a technology platform or a complete business, we can identify the right partner or opportunity for you. We provide expert market assessments and business plans to meet your specific objectives.
Brakke Consulting has played a central role in dozens of industry-changing transactions. Our systematic approach guarantees smooth assessment and negotiation phases. We develop our work plan in conjunction with you, our client. With no surprises, your transaction process runs like a champion Thoroughbred.
For buyers, our network of industry connections offers access to target properties that may not be widely known in the industry.
For sellers, our connections across animal health and nutrition allow us to quickly find the partner who is the best fit for your technology or business offering.
Whether buying or selling, our team of experts can set appropriate values on existing businesses, products under development and new ground-breaking technologies.
For expert support and advice with your next transaction, contact us at 336-396-3916 or email Bob Jones or Ron Brakke.