The Experts in Animal Health

In last week’s Viewpoint, Jeff Santosuosso recognized the level of innovation as presented by emerging companies at the Kansas City Animal Health Corridor Summit meeting last month.  His weekly question then asked what you see as the source of most of the innovation; Corporate R&D, Animal Health Start-ups, Outside our Industry, Universities, or Digital/Data enterprises?

You said the source is:

I went back to the program from the KCAH Corridor Summit to see where the technologies disclosed by the 13 selected emerging companies that presented at the Summit would fit on this scale.

I found, as best as I can tell, that the actual sources are:

* Not a surprise, since the big pharma companies seldom seek investment partners and don’t generally disclose research projects prior to launch.

Most of the “Outside our Industry” sources were in-licenses from human health research projects or technologies.  It seems we have a healthy mix of sources of innovation as evidenced by the program at the KCAH Corridor Summit.  If these 13 companies are an example, our industry pipeline looks promising, with a broad range of offerings to come, and multiple pathways available for good ideas to reach the market.

Jim Kroman

en_USEnglish (United States)