Let’s face it animal health and nutrition industry: we’ve got a digital problem. It’s not just us! Nearly everyone is searching for talent with digital skills.
Increasingly, filling the top of the sales funnel via digital marketing such as social media advertising, makes or breaks us. How to execute in these new media? How to gauge our success in this new frontier?
The implications of not knowing are profound. RAND recently surveyed over 1000 companies worldwide, with 54% citing a “shortage of digital talent (that) has led to a loss in competitive advantage.” Management consultant Wiley reported that the US ranks 26th in their Digital Skills Gap Index! RAND urges teaching digital skills in primary school.
The experts at PayMo recommend starting with upper management. Digital skills awareness isn’t just for marketers. They’re a strategic and organizational ball of wax. Familiarize your general managers. Skills most in demand, according to Wharton are data analysis, SEO, social media marketing, content marketing, and video marketing.
How should you address this need? Along with your management, you can train your team members via online tools. You can rely on your agency and if you dare, your media reps. But for the long term, all of us should be recruiting for these essential skills – we can help.
Jeff Santosuosso