For many of our readers, 2022 is a year you will be happy to see in the rearview mirror. We are an optimistic bunch and maybe 2023 will be better – maybe we will have a soft landing and we will avoid a recession. Regardless, the animal health industry is a resilient one, and so are the people in it.
If you did want to look in the rearview mirror, this last edition of News & Notes summarizes the things that happened in 2022 that we covered each week throughout the year. From acquisitions, mergers, company news, launches, approvals and deals, you’ll be reminded of what happened. You can find all the newsletters in our searchable archive if you’d like more detail on a noteworthy item.
Now, some noteworthy recognition. Dr. Lynn Fondon has been the editor of the News & Notes for 23 years and brilliantly curates the news items for our readers every week. And Amanda McDavid pulls it all together and gets it out to you every Friday. Thanks to both of you for publishing a terrific newsletter.
And some more thanks are due. First, thanks to all our clients and customers and we hope that we have made your business better, more profitable, and more competitive. Second, thanks to all the Brakke Consultants for another great year. It is a pleasure to work with a team of industry professionals with the depth and breadth of experience and knowledge they have.
Finally, thanks to you, our News & Notes readers and we hope our weekly newsletter has helped you do what you do better. So, look away from the rearview mirror, look down the hood at the horizon, put your foot on the accelerator and have a great drive into 2023.
Bob Jones