The Experts in Animal Health

Brakke Viewpoint August 26,2022

I was interested to read in this week’s news that VCA is launching an urgent care veterinary service. It marks VCA’s first effort to build rather than acquire veterinary hospitals. But more intriguing is the business model: they plan to offer only urgent care...

Animal Health News & Notes for August 26, 2022

*********************************** Brakke Consulting’s Animal Health News & Notes for August 26, 2022 Copyright © Brakke Consulting Editor: Lynn Fondon DVM MBA ************************************ IN THE NEWS: Brakke Consulting News Equine Market MegaStudy...

Brakke Viewpoint August 19, 2022

When our two daughters went to university, we encouraged them to participate in study abroad programs.  We also travelled internationally occasionally on family vacations because we felt it was important to gain on-the-ground understanding of other cultures and...

Animal Health News & Notes for August 19, 2022

*********************************** Brakke Consulting’s Animal Health News & Notes for August 19, 2022 Copyright © Brakke Consulting Editor: Lynn Fondon DVM MBA ************************************ IN THE NEWS: Brakke Consulting News Cancer in Dogs and Cats...

Brakke Viewpoint August 12, 2022

We should not give up on developing a MLV vaccine for ASF. In recent meetings with R&D leaders of domestic and international animal health companies in China, the topic of a modified live virus (MLV) vaccine for African Swine Fever (ASF) was often discussed. Most...
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