The Experts in Animal Health

Pet Pharmaceutical Market Shift Study, April 2015

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Brakke Consulting, Inc., and Trone Brand Energy are joining forces to paint the picture of the future U.S. pet pharmaceutical marketplace. The first place pet owners go to purchase veterinarian-prescribed medicines is beginning to change as new distribution models and proposed legislative measures are evolving to give consumers more choice. New research by Brakke and Trone Brand Energy defines how this change of the pet pharmaceutical industry will affect manufacturers, distributors, retailers and veterinarians once a critical mass of consumers begin to adopt new models.

The research partnership identifies with data the early adopters of the new pharmaceutical distribution models and forecast the factors and timing required to push a large majority of pet owners into the new purchase channels. These changes will affect veterinary practices as well as impact pharmaceutical companies and retail channels. Understanding the relationship between consumers and drug retailers, and the lifecycle of the imminent changes, will help all vested organizations prepare.

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