A new study from Brakke Consulting takes an in-depth look at flea, tick and heartworm products, the largest segment of the companion animal market.
”The flea control and heartworm preventatives market has been one of the most innovative areas in animal health, with a variety of new active ingredients and novel formulations,” said Lynn Fondon, senior consultant of Brakke Consulting. “Sales of flea control products have tripled in size since the introduction of Program, the first of the new-generation products, in 1995.”
The study, The US Flea Control and Heartworm Markets – 2015, profiles the veterinary and OTC markets for flea and tick products and heartworm preventatives, including veterinary product sales and pricing, advertising expenditures, and new and developing products.
The report – published annually by Brakke for the past 18 years – gathered information from a variety of sources, including published information, industry interviews and a survey of over 300 small animal veterinarians and 500 pet owners.
The US Flea Control and Heartworm Markets report is available from Brakke Consulting for $7,500. For more information, interested companies should contact lfondon@brakkeconsulting.com.
About Brakke Consulting
Brakke Consulting is the leading consulting firm specializing in the animal health and nutrition markets. It is located at 12005 Ford Road, Suite 530, Dallas, TX, (972) 243-4033, www.brakkeconsulting.com