Brakke Consulting’s
Animal Health News & Notes for December 20, 2013
Copyright © Brakke Consulting, Inc.
Editor: Lynn Fondon DVM MBA
Brakke Consulting news
US Flea Control & Heartworm Markets – now available
2014 Industry Overview
Investor Seminar
earnings news
other news
Apex Valves
DRE Veterinary
Merial (Broadline)
Merial (Oncept)
Norel Animal Nutrition
Brakke Consulting has published our 2013 report on the US Flea Control and Heartworm Markets. The report includes valuable information on the US market for small animal parasiticides including:
– discussion of the impact of generic fipronil products
– an overview of the veterinary and OTC flea control markets
– Product descriptions, prices, and sales for the leading veterinary flea and heartworm products
– 2013 survey of 300 veterinarians
– 2013 survey of 500 pet owners
The report on the US Flea Control & Heartworm Markets will be available for a purchase price of $7,500. Please contact Dr. Lynn Fondon at (972) 243-4033 or lfondon@brakkeconsulting.com to order the report, or for more information visit our website.
> Neogen Corporation announced results for the second quarter of fiscal year 2014 ended Nov. 30. Revenues increased 17% to $59.6 million, aided in part by two acquisitions the company completed this year. Second quarter net income was $6.2 million, a decrease of 10% compared to the prior year’s comparable period. Animal Safety segment revenues for the quarter were $31.2 million, an increase of 26%, aided by the recent acquisitions of SyrVet and Prima Tech. Organic growth for this segment was 13%. (company press release)
INVESTOR SEMINAR: Understanding the Animal Health Industry (Investment Opportunities and Strategies)
Brakke Consulting, Inc. will present a one-day seminar for investors entitled, “Understanding the Animal Health Industry (Investment Opportunities and Strategies)” on February 11, 2014 at the Newark Liberty International Airport Marriott in Newark, New Jersey.
The seminar will include the following topics:
– Industry Overview
– Size and trends of the animal health industry markets
– Size and trends of the US OTC market for pet products
– Segment breakdown of US pet and OTC markets
– Industry ownership trends
– Industry transaction history over the past decade
– Major influencers on the financial health of the industry
– A review of potential investment opportunities and strategies
The deadline for registering is Wednesday, February 5. To register, please call Brakke Consulting at (972) 243-4033. For more information email Jane Morgan, jmorgan@brakkeconsulting.com.
> Zoetis announced the re-launch of D-Tec CB, a rapid slide agglutination test for detection of canine brucellosis in dogs. With its return, veterinarians will once again be able to confirm canine brucellosis negative status in approximately two minutes. (company press release)
> Bayer Animal Health announced that the FDA has approved Advantage Multi for Dogs for the treatment of circulating microfilaria, the first life stage of heartworm, making it the only FDA-approved product labeled for microfilaria treatment. Bayer also announced that the FDA has approved the use of Advantage Multi for Cats to prevent heartworm disease, kill adult fleas and treat flea infestations in ferrets, making it the first-ever heartworm and flea product labeled for use on ferrets. (PRNewswire)
> DRE Veterinary announced the expansion of its line of surgical lights with the DRE SLS 9000 LED Surgery Light, a new, energy-efficient model designed for durability and comfort with a low impact on environmental resources. (DigitalJournal.com)
> Norel Animal Nutrition, a company dedicated to the development, manufacturing and trading of additives and feed ingredients for animal nutrition, announced that it has formed subsidiary Norel Animal Nutrition USA in order to enter the large animal feed market. (Feedstuffs)
> Apex Valves, a privately owned New Zealand company specializing in the design and manufacture of float valves for water reservoirs, tanks and troughs, announced it has appointed Agvet Associates LLC, as its US Master Distributor. Adding Agvet Associates expands its distribution network in the US. (company press release)
> EU Merial announced that the EU’s Committee for Veterinary Medicine Products (CVMP) has granted a marketing authorization for Broadline, a topical broad spectrum product for parasite treatment and prevention in cats. The formulation comprises fipronil, eprinomectin, praziquantel and s-methoprene. Broadline is approved for the treatment and prevention of flea and tick infestations, the prevention of heartworm disease and the treatment of roundworm, hookworm and tapeworm. (Animal Pharm)
> EU MSD Animal Health (known as Merck Animal Health in the US and Canada) announced that the Committee for Medicinal Products for Veterinary Use (CVMP) of the European Medicines Agency has adopted a positive opinion, recommending the granting of a marketing authorization for the veterinary medicinal product Bravecto (fluralaner) chewable tablets for dogs. The active substance of Bravecto, fluralaner, a new ectoparasiticide belonging to the isoxazoline group, is systemically active against fleas and ticks for 12 weeks. (Business Wire)
> EU Merial announced the EU launch of Oncept IL-2, the first veterinary immunotherapeutic product in Europe for the management of cancer in pets. Oncept IL-2 is indicated for cats with fibrosarcoma (2-5 cm diameter) without metastasis. (VetSurgeon.org)
> UK Pethealth Inc. announced that it has acquired VetMedsDirect.co.uk, an online retailer of pet pharmaceuticals, pet supplies and pet food that services pet owners in the United Kingdom. The all-cash transaction (purchase price not disclosed) will expand Pethealth’s existing platform in the UK. (Marketwatch.com)
Brakke Consulting will present the 2014 US Animal Health Industry Overview twice this winter – once at the North American Veterinary Conference in Orlando, Florida and once at the Western Veterinary Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada. These dates are:
• NAVC: Monday, January 20, 2:00 – 4:00 pm, Gaylord Palms.
• WVC: Tuesday, February 18, 2:00 – 4:00 pm, Four Seasons.
Registration for the Industry Overview at the NAVC and WVC is now open. Seating is very limited this year, so register early!
To register, go to www.brakkeconsulting.com and scroll down to the “What’s New” box. The price is $385 per person for online registration; late registration is $425.
> US – PEDV Nebraska reported its first case of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus (PEDV), making it the 20th US state where the virus has spread. (Pig International Enews)
> US – EDUCATION The University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine has launched a new online master of science degree in biomedical sciences, with an emphasis in veterinary medicine and surgery. The 30-hour program is designed for working veterinarians, as well as veterinary technicians and biological sciences baccalaureate degree graduates, and can be a stepping stone to further scientific research, residency completion or doctoral programs. (DVM360)
> US – VETERINARY EDUCATION Colorado State University and the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) announced the launch of a collaborative veterinary training program. The collaborative veterinary program will start in 2015 at UAF and will admit 10 students each year. Students enrolled ultimately will study for two years on the Fairbanks campus, and will move to Colorado State’s campus in Fort Collins for their final two years of veterinary training. (news.colostate.edu)
> WORLD – REGULATION The FDA and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) announced the launch of a joint initiative to share information on inspections of bioequivalence studies submitted in support of generic drug approvals. This collaborative effort provides a mechanism to conduct joint facility inspections for generic drug applications submitted to both agencies. (FDA)
> US – BIODEGRADABLE CAT LITTER The USDA’s Agricultural Research Service has developed a biodegradable cat litter from spent corn. The clumping, odor-absorbing compound is made with dried distiller’s grain, a byproduct of ethanol production, along with glycerol, guar gum and copper sulfate. (AVMA SmartBrief – Des Moines Register)
This week’s newsletter reported on two European approvals or positive opinions for new products in the companion animal parasite control area. One can only assume that in the near future these products will be approved for sale in the US market. These new compounds and formulations will add to the already large number of products available to veterinarians for dispensing to pet owners. Early reports on the efficacy and safety profiles of these new products is encouraging and demonstrates that there is always room for innovation and improvement in one of the largest product categories in veterinary medicine.
Earlier in this newsletter you noticed that we will be offering a new seminar, “Understanding the Animal Health Industry”. This seminar is designed to provide a quick “short course” on the animal health industry segments to interested financial firms and others who are exploring major investments in the industry. We will present this new seminar to the financial community in early February in the New York area.
This is our last newsletter before the Christmas holiday and many of you will be out of the office until the New Year. We want to wish each of you a joyous and safe holiday season. Come back refreshed and ready to take on the challenges and opportunities in 2014.
Ron Brakke
This electronic newsletter is the sole property of Brakke Consulting, Inc.
Any use of the contents herein should be approved by and appropriately attributed to Brakke Consulting, Inc.
For more information about Brakke Consulting’s services and syndicated studies, visit our website at www.brakkeconsulting.com.
Brakke Consulting, Inc.
12005 Ford Rd., Suite 530
Dallas, TX 75234 USA