Brakke Consulting’s
Animal Health News & Notes for November 23, 2011
Copyright © Brakke Consulting, Inc.
Editor: Lynn Fondon, DVM MBA
Brakke news
Flea & Heartworm Markets report last day for early order
earnings news
Central Garden & Pet
KMG Chemicals
other news
Brakke Consulting will soon be publishing our 2011 report on the US Flea Control and Heartworm Markets. The report includes valuable information on the US market for small animal parasiticides including:
– discussion of the impact of generic fipronil products
– an overview of the veterinary and OTC flea control markets
– Product descriptions, prices, and sales for the leading veterinary flea and heartworm products
– 2011 survey of over 200 veterinarians
– ALL NEW: For the first time, the report will include a survey of 500 pet owners regarding their usage of flea control products
The report on the US Flea Control & Heartworm Markets will be available for a purchase price of $6,995 if ordered by WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, and $7,500 after that date.
Please contact Dr. Lynn Fondon at (972) 243-4033 or lfondon@brakkeconsulting.com to pre-order the report, or for more information visit our website at
> Patterson Companies, Inc. reported results for the second quarter of fiscal 2012 ended October 29. Sales of the Webster Veterinary unit increased 7% to $173 million, with the August 2011 acquisition of American Veterinary Supply Corporation accounting for 2.5% of the unit’s sales growth for this period. (company website)
> Central Garden & Pet Company reported financial results for its fourth quarter ended September 24, 2011. Fourth quarter net sales for the Pet Products segment decreased 1% over the prior year to $212 million. (Business Wire)
> KMG Chemicals reported results for the fourth fiscal quarter ended July 31. The animal health division reported revenues for the quarter of $3.3 million, down from $4.0 million in the fourth quarter of the prior year. (company website)
> Bayer and Elanco announced the resolution of Bayer’s lawsuit against Elanco regarding the latter’s advertising practices. The resolution was non-monetary in nature. (PRNewswire, company press release)
> SWITZERLAND – BSE An international team of researchers identified two Swiss cows with a previously unidentified variant of bovine spongiform encephalopathy. Mandatory testing after the cows’ deaths gave a positive result for BSE. (International Business Times)
> US – TREAT WARNING The FDA has issued a warning to consumers and veterinarians noting that chicken jerky products from China may be causing renal failure and Fanconi syndrome in dogs within hours or days of being ingested. Most dogs recover, but some deaths have been reported. The FDA is investigating the products but has not identified a contaminant. (AVMA SmartBrief)
> VACCINE DATABASE Vetvac.org, an on-line database intended to become a source of information on all the livestock and poultry vaccines produced throughout the world, is now live and running. The website is a free to access and easy to use searchable database which provides detailed information on nearly 2,000 livestock and poultry vaccines produced by more than 95 manufacturers. The database currently includes cattle, sheep, goat, pig and poultry vaccines available in the UK, Australia, Africa, India, South America and the US. The project is being developed by the Global Alliance for Livestock Veterinary Medicines (GALVmed) and is funded by the European Regional Development Fund. (Animal Pharm)
> US – COMPOUNDING The federal government has filed a notice of appeal regarding the September decision of a Florida district court that ruled the FDA overstepped its authority when it tried to shut down Franck’s Pharmacy, a veterinary compounding pharmacy. The notice gives no detail about why the court’s earlier decision is being appealed, nor does it indicate when an official appeal will be filed. (DVM Newsmagazine)
This is a short business week here in the US because of our Thanksgiving holiday. It is the beginning of the holiday season and the final few weeks of 2011. We want to thank our clients and readers for your support this past year. It appears that 2011 will go in the books as another growth year for the animal health industry, even in the face of challenging economic times.
The consultants and staff at Brakke Consulting want to wish each of you and your families an enjoyable and safe Thanksgiving Holiday.
Ron Brakke
Joel Adamson
Ken Berkholtz
Ray Collier
Lynn Fondon
Atsuo Hata
Jessica Lee
Jay Lockhart
John Mannhaupt
Susan Mannhaupt
Richard Miles
Jane Morgan
Kevin Scott
John Volk
Susan Warren
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Brakke Consulting, Inc.
12005 Ford Rd., Suite 530
Dallas, TX 75234 USA