Brakke Consulting’s
Animal Health News & Notes for November 13, 2009
Copyright © Brakke Consulting, Inc.
Editor: Lynn Fondon, DVM, MBA
Brakke news
US Flea Control & Heartworm Markets 2009 – last week to receive early-order discount
earnings news
Digital Angel
other news
Antech Diagnostics
Digital Angel
Oculus Innovative Sciences
Brakke Consulting will soon be publishing our 2009 report on the US Flea Control and Heartworm Markets. The report includes valuable information on the US market for small animal parasiticides including:
– an overview of the veterinary and OTC flea control markets
– Product descriptions, prices, and sales for the leading veterinary flea and heartworm products
– Overview of advertising expenditures for veterinary flea and heartworm products
The report also includes a 2009 survey of over 200 veterinarians regarding topics such as product usage, brand switching, the effect of the economy on product sale; the impact of product sales outside the veterinary clinic channel; and developing resistance to new-generation products.
The report on the US Flea Control & Heartworm Markets will be available for a purchase price of $4,995 if ordered by FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, and $5,500 after that date.
Please contact Dr. Lynn Fondon at (972) 243-4033 or lfondon@brakkeconsulting.com to pre-order the report, or for more information visit our website at www.BrakkeConsulting.com
> Bioniche Life Sciences reported financial results for the first fiscal quarter ended September 30, 2009. Consolidated revenues for the quarter totaled $7.1 million, a decrease of 12% from the same period in fiscal 2009. (company website)
> Digital Angel announced results for the third quarter of 2009. Animal ID segment revenues were $6.8 million, a decline of 17% compared to the third quarter of 2008. (company website)
> ANTECH Diagnostics announced the availability of a molecular diagnostic test for eight common causes of canine respiratory disease. The FastPanel PCR Canine Respiratory Disease Profile tests for canine influenza virus, canine adenovirus type 2, canine herpesvirus, canine parainfluenza virus, canine respiratory coronavirus, Bordetella bronchiseptica, Mycoplasma cynos and Streptococcus equi subspecies zooepidemicus. FastPanel PCR test results are available in just 1-3 days. (company press release)
> Imulan BioTherapeutics announced the release of LeukoSTAT, a nutritional product containing a newly recognized class of naturally occurring amino acid complexes referred to as ImSAIDs (Immune Selective Anti-Inflammatory Derivatives). Originally discovered as important components of saliva, ImSAIDS have been shown to target leukocytes, regardless of the cause, and have demonstrated positive effects in models of a variety of conditions. (company press release)
> ASIA Oculus Innovative Sciences announced that its development partners, Bayer Animal Health divisions in China and Taiwan, recently secured regulatory approvals in both those countries to develop and market Microcyn-based Vetericyn products for their respective animal healthcare markets. (RTT News)
> EUROPE Digital Angel announced that its Destron Fearing unit has appointed Northern Ireland-based Countryside Services Ltd. to market its products across the UK and Ireland, pursuant to a three-year, exclusive distribution agreement. In addition to tags and readers for sheep, Countryside will also distribute Destron Fearing’s range of tag and reader products for cattle in the territory. (Business Wire)
> US – DECLAWING BAN The Berkeley, California City Council voted unanimously to ban the veterinary practice of declawing cats within city limits, making it a misdemeanor punishable by a $1,000 fine or six months in jail. San Francisco passed a similar law earlier in the month. (Contra Costa Times)
A few weeks ago we completed a survey of a large number of animal health executives representing both large and small companies. The purpose of the survey was to obtain information from managers regarding their perspective on how the economy had impacted their company in 2009 and their thoughts on 2010.
We were extremely pleased by the high level of responses, which we believe is sufficient to provide meaningful results. The details of this survey will be incorporated into our 2010 Animal Health Industry Overview, which will be given at NAVC and WVC in early 2010.
In the meantime, we thought we’d share some general observations that we garnered from the survey. Not surprisingly, a large percentage of the participants felt that the recession had negatively impacted their business in 2009. However, since they are excellent managers, a similar percentage indicated that their company profits would be higher in 2009 than in 2008. Where are the increased profits coming from in 2009? A much lower percentage of participants indicated that there were increases in headcount and research expenses in 2009, so cost savings appear to be part of the answer. Is it any wonder why there is reduced innovation and fewer new products? We’ll provide additions snippets of information from the survey over the coming weeks in the newsletter.
For those of you closely following the pheasant hunting episode, I have returned to Dallas from a month in South Dakota chasing the wily ringnecked pheasant. The final weekend of hunting was excellent allowing the hunters to catch up with the final score being hunters 150 and pheasants 150. What this means is that the hunters will all need to return next year to try to break the tie!!
Have a good weekend and don’t take yourself too seriously!!
Ron Brakke
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Brakke Consulting, Inc.
2735 Villa Creek, Suite 140
Dallas, TX 75234 USA