Brakke Consulting’s
Animal Health News & Notes for April 15, 2005
Copyright © Brakke Consulting, Inc.
earnings news:
Swift & Co.
other news
Cross Vetpharm
Exeter Life Sciences
Kirin Feed
stART Licensing
Yamaha Nutreco Aquatech
> Swift and Co. reported that net sales for the fiscal third quarter ended February 27, 2005, rose $132.7 million in the quarter to a total of $2.26 billion versus $2.13 billion in the same period one year ago. Higher selling prices in all three segments helped offset declines in sales volume across the board. (Wattnet Meatnews)
Brakke Consulting, Inc.
Perception is Reality to Clients and Customers
Brakke Consulting has helped a number of companies evaluate and improve their marketing communications programs. Senior Consultant John Volk has more than 25 years of experience in animal health advertising and public relations, and pioneered direct-to-consumer advertising for companion animal products. If you are interested in improving the return on your A&P investment, contact John Volk in the Chicago office of Brakke Consulting, (773) 327-4941, email: jvolk@brakkeocnsulting.com.
> Pfizer announced the introduction of estroPLAN (cloprostenol sodium), a synthetic prostaglandin for induction of luteolysis in dairy and beef cattle. The product can be used for estrus synchronization, treatment of unobserved estrus, and treatment of pyometra or chronic endometritis. (Feedstuffs)
> Farnam announced the introduction of Bio Spot for Cats One-Step. Bio Spot One-Step provides five-way protection by combining an adulticide and insect growth regulator (IGR) into one, easy-to-apply product. Pyriproxyfen, the IGR in Bio Spot One-Step, kills flea eggs and larvae, preventing them from developing into biting, breeding adults for up to for three months. Etofenprox, the adulticide in Bio Spot One-Step, kills adult fleas and deer ticks for a full month. One-Step also repels mosquitoes and prevents mosquitoes that transmit West Nile Virus from feeding on cats up to one month. (company press release)
> Bimeda Inc. and Bimeda-MTC announced that the two companies will be consolidated. Both companies are currently independent operating units of Cross Vetpharm Holdings of Ireland. As part of the consolidation, Bimeda announced the suspension of manufacture and distribution of several of its pharmaceutical fluids. The discontinued fluids will soon be replaced by a number of new, FDA-approved injectable, oral liquid, and paste products. (company press release)
> Adisseo announced the introduction of MetaSmart, a new source of methionine specially formulated for ruminants. The product is pelletable and available in both dry and liquid formulations. (Feedstuffs)
> AgInfoLink announced their selection as the data management provider for the Kansas Animal Health Department’s Animal Transportation Project. AgInfoLink will be responsible for managing animal and transportation data collected on over 40,000 animals via RFID (radio frequency identification) readers and GPS devices attached to livestock trucks and transmitted in near real-time to the Kansas Animal Health Department. In a separate project award, AgInfoLink has also been selected by Agri-Tracabilite Quebec (ATQ) to provide AgMobile, a handheld data collection technology, as part of a provincial animal identification and tracking solution for the Quebec livestock transportation sector. (company press release)
> Geron Corp. and Exeter Life Sciences announced the formation of stART Licensing Inc., a new company that will manage and license a broad portfolio of intellectual property rights related to animal reproductive technologies. The portfolio includes the nuclear transfer cloning technology developed at the Roslin Institute and used to clone Dolly the sheep. (Feedstuffs)
> JAPAN Nutreco’s Japanese joint venture Yamaha Nutreco Aquatech (YNA), announced the acquisition of all shares of Kirin Feed, a subsidiary of Kirin Beer Co. Kirin feed markets fish feed for farmed fish. With this transaction, YNA strengthens its competitive position on the Japanese fish feed market. Financial terms were not disclosed. (Feedstuffs)
In March 2004, Brakke Consulting published a report reviewing pain management in small animals, and the products used to treat pain. The new 2005 report updates this report with current sales data on the pain management products used in small animal practice, as well as news on new and developing products in the pain management area. Included are sections on nutraceuticals and, new this year, joint support prescription diets.
The report also includes a survey of approximately 190 small animal veterinarians regarding their usage of pain management products, including NSAIDs, nutraceuticals, and the new joint support therapeutic diets.
The report is immediately available for a price of $5,500.
For more information, contact Dr. Lynn Fondon at lfondon@brakkeconsulting.com or 972-243-4033.
> JAPAN – BSE Japanese officials have found a new case of BSE, the 17th since the first case was identified in the country in September 2001. The victim this time was a female Holstein, about 54 months of age. It was found on the island of Hokkaido and was identified when it became unable to stand or walk. (Meating Place)
> US – DRUG NADA WITHDRAWN The FDA amended the animal drug regulations that reflect approval of a new animal drug application (NADA) for dichlorophene and toluene capsules used in dogs and cats for removal of certain intestinal parasites. In a notice published elsewhere in this issue of the Federal Register, FDA is withdrawing approval of the NADA. (AnimalNet – Federal Register)
> WORLD – AVIAN INFLUENZA NETWORK The World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) and the Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO) announced the launch of the new Worldwide Avian Influenza Network that will improve the collaboration among reference laboratories that specialize in avian influenza in animals. The network will speed up the immediate exchange of scientific data on avian influenza and animal virus strains to produce efficacious vaccines for humans that respond to specific virus characteristics. (Feedstuffs online)
> VIETNAM – AVIAN INFLUENZA More than 70% of random duck and geese samples have tested positive for avian influenza in Vietnam’s southern Mekong Delta, but many farmers have refused to slaughter their flocks, according to officials. The virus also was found in about 21% of sampled chickens. The test results suggest that more than 10 million out of nearly 20 million total birds should be slaughtered to try to stamp out the virus. However, farmers are resisting local government orders to kill their flocks because of lost income. (AP)
> US – TB TESTING Texas Department of Agriculture announced that Texas will randomly check beef herds for tuberculosis, switching from the current voluntary program, in its effort to regain the federal government’s crucial TB-free designation. Texas, the nation’s leading cattle producing and exporting state, lost the USDA’s TB-free status in 2002 after two infected cattle herds were detected. Rather than restrict the state’s beef exports, the USDA approved a voluntary testing program devised by industry representatives and the Texas Animal Health Commission. Since the testing program began in November 2003, only one infected dairy herd has been found. The earliest the state could apply to regain its TB-free status is October 2006, two years from when the infected dairy herd was depopulated. (AP)
> US – CANADIAN HOG IMPORTS In a 5 to 0 vote, the US International Trade Commission decided that US pork producers were not being injured by “unfairly traded” Canadian hog imports. The ITC’s vote follows the US Commerce Department’s final decision, made in March, that Canadian pork producers were dumping hogs into the US market and confirmed that those producers have received benefits from whole-farm subsidy programs. The Commerce Department also had ruled that many of the subsidies were not illegal because benefits also were provided to other Canadian agricultural industries. The ITC’s ruling puts an end to the previously imposed antidumping duties and the case. NPPC officials did not indicate whether they will appeal the ITC decision. (Pork Alert)
> US – NATIONAL ANIMAL ID SYSTEM In giving a progress report on development of a National Animal Identification System (NAIS), USDA Undersecretary Bill Hawks reassured the industry that mandatory participation would not be put in place until all confidentially issues had been resolved, though the administration hopes to make this a reality by 2009. Regarding the confidentiality issue, which has been a concern for some in the industry, the Bush Administration has sent a bill to Congress that would exempt the data collected for NAIS from the Freedom of Information Act. (AnimalNet – NIAA)
> ITALY – HORSE CLONED The birth of the world’s second horse clone, born February 25, was announced by scientists. The foal is a copy of a world endurance champion, Pieraz, an animal that has been castrated and was therefore incapable of normal reproduction. The research was undertaken by genetic engineering labs Cryozootech of Evry, France, and LTR-CIZ of Cremona, Italy, where the foal is being kept. The world’s first horse clone Prometea, was produced by the same group of researchers in 2003. (personal communication)
> COMPARISON OF MEAT AND MILK FROM CLONED COWS In a pilot study, scientists have shown that meat and milk from cloned bulls and cows, respectively, meet industry standards. Researchers cloned a Japanese Black beef bull and Holstein dairy cow, using somatic cell nuclear transfer (the same technique used to clone the sheep Dolly). The researchers compared the meat and milk from the clones to that of animals of similar age, genetics, and breed created through natural reproduction. Analysis of protein, fat, and other variables routinely assessed by the dairy industry revealed no significant differences in the milk. The researchers also examined more than 100 meat quality criteria, of which 90% showed no noteworthy variations. But about 8 variables related to the amount of fat and fatty acids in the meat were significantly higher in the meat from the clones. The authors say these higher fat levels are within beef industry standards. Animal food products from clones have yet to enter the food chain in any country, and this report lays groundwork for larger, more conclusive studies with cloned animals. (AnimalNet – PNAS)
Happy 19th Birthday Brakke Consulting!
It was on April 15, 1986 that Brakke Consulting was formed and founded. It’s been a great time, and we’re so appreciative of all the support we’ve had from industry clients and friends.
As everyone reading this knows, it takes more than one individual to build and maintain a successful company. While I’ve been the company’s guiding light or inspiration at times, it’s been the support of over 25 other talented individuals that has made it really happen. Thanks to all the consultants!
The firm has reached a size and status that I would never have imagined when I first started in 1986. Yes, a few things have changed, such as the transition from the telex machines, to fax machines, to electronic mail. Yes, there are fewer and bigger clients today, but we’re still amazed at the number of new companies entering the marketplace.
What will the next 19 years look like for Brakke Consulting? We believe there is a bright future for the services we provide. In the past year, we’ve successfully moved into Internet recruiting and hope to announce another new service that utilizes the Internet before the end of 2005.
We intend to increase our alliances to improve a number of our services. Finally, we plan to continue to provide quality consulting services at a competitive price.
One thing is obvious after leaving my tax accountant’s office this morning: I need to keep working for a few more years, so you’ll be seeing me around.
Thanks for all your support the past 19 years. It’s been a great time.
Have a great weekend.
Ron Brakke
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