Brakke Consulting’s
Animal Health News & Notes for November 3, 2006
Copyright © Brakke Consulting, Inc.
Editor: Lynn Fondon, DVM, MBA
earnings news
Premium Standard Farms
other news
Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica
Farnam (feed)
Farnam (tag reader)
IVX Animal Health
> Alpharma Inc. announced results for the third quarter 2006. Animal Health revenues increased 10% to $88 million compared to $80 million in 2005. Revenue growth was primarily driven by strong sales in the US livestock market and Europe. (company press release)
> Premium Standard Farms, reported results for its second quarter ended September 23, 2006. Sales rose 3% to $220 million from $213 million last year. Net profits dropped by two-thirds in the second quarter to $4.3 million from $12.2 million in the previous year. (Meating Place)
Brakke Consulting will once again be presenting our 2007 Industry Overview at the North American Veterinary Conference and the Western Veterinary Conference.
The 2007 Industry Overview will be presented on Monday, January 15 from 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm at the Gaylord Palms.
The 2007 Industry Overview will be presented on Monday, February 19 from 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm at the Four Seasons hotel adjacent to the Mandalay Bay.
Early registration is $325 for the first company attendee and $300 for each additional attendee from the same company at the same presentation. To register online, go to the home page at www.brakkeconsulting.com and click on the registration link. You may also register by calling Jane Morgan in the Dallas office at 972-243-4033.
> Virbac S.A. and Virbac Corp. announced that Labogroup Holding, a subsidiary of Virbac S.A., successfully completed its cash tender offer for the shares of Virbac Corp. not already owned by Virbac S.A. and Labogroup. Virbac S.A. and Labogroup now hold approximately 97.2% of the shares of Virbac Corp. Virbac S.A. expects to acquire the remaining shares through a short-form merger. (company website)
> The US Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service approved Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica’s new vaccine, Ingelvac CircoFLEX, to protect swine against diseases caused by porcine circovirus type 2, such as porcine circovirus associated disease, or PCVAD. The single-dose, 1 ml vaccine is effective in immunizing pigs as young as three weeks of age prior to exposure to PCV2. It will be available to producers in the first quarter of 2007. (Pork Alert)
> The FDA amended the animal drug regulations to reflect approval of an abbreviated new animal drug application (ANADA) filed by IVX Animal Health Inc. The ANADA provides for veterinary prescription use of glycopyrrolate solution as an injectable preanesthetic agent in dogs and cats. (AnimalNet – Federal Register)
> Farnam introduced Platform Miniature Horse & Pony feed, the latest member of Farnam’s Platform Premium Horse Feed line. Platform Miniature Horse & Pony feed has been scientifically formulated to meet the unique nutritional needs of miniature horses and ponies. (company press release)
> Farnam introduced the LTS Wand Reader, a hand held Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tag recorder that holds more than 98,000 records. It reads FDX-B tags at a distance of more than one foot from the end of the barrel, and reads older style HDX tags. The Farnam LTS Wand Reader provides a data accumulator that is built into the reader and the standard Lithium Ion rechargeable battery can operate for many hours on a single charge. It comes with a green “TAG READ” light to indicate a successful tag read and a Piezo Buzzer, which gives an audible indication when a tag is read, if a duplicate tag is read or a tag is deleted, as well as power-up and power-down sounds. (company press release)
> ASIA – AVIAN INFLUENZA Experts say that a new strain of highly pathogenic avian influenza identified in Southeast Asia has spread through the region. The “Fujian-like” strain, a subtype of the highly pathogenic H5N1, may have evolved due to farm flock vaccination programs. According to a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, however, the high-path subtype does not seem to pass easily to humans. (Meating Place)
> NEW BEEF ALLIANCE After meeting October 20 in Australia at the Five Nations Beef Conference, producer associations from Australia, Canada, Mexico, New Zealand, and the US formed the Five Nations Beef Alliance. This group, which includes the NCBA, adopted an overriding principle “to exceed global consumers’ expectation in respect of beef, while eliminating non-scientific and political trade restrictions.” According to a release from FNBA, the group will push for further liberalization as a key priority in the Doha Round of the World Trade Organization negotiations. The FNBA supports expanded market access via the removal of tariff and non-tariff barriers and urges beef importing countries to ensure that sound science remains the only basis for resolving sanitary and phytosanitary issues. (Drovers Alert)
> US – NEW VETERINARY TEACHING HOSPITAL The Iowa State University of Veterinary Medicine in Ames, Iowa, has broken ground on a new veterinary teaching hospital scheduled for completion in fall 2008. Construction of the Dr. W. Eugene and Linda Lloyd Veterinary Teaching Hospital is part of a $48 million expansion and renovation project covering 55,000 square-feet of the campus, which is designed to accommodate the diagnosis and treatment of horses and large animals. Dr. Lloyd, who earned his DVM at Iowa State in 1949 and a PhD from the university in 1970, is the founder, chairman, and chief executive of Lloyd Incorporated. (Animal Pharm)
Innovet 2006
Emerging Diseases: Challenges and Opportunities for the Animal Industry
November 26 – 28, 2006
St-Hyacinthe, Quebec, Canada
Innovet 2006 is a unique meeting bringing together decision-makers from the veterinary biotechnology industry and its related sectors. Industry speakers will be reporting on the latest cutting-edge advances in research and development.
The program will be addressing the following subjects:
• Emerging diseases: threat or opportunity?
• Impact upon the animal health market
• Technological innovations arising out of research centers and company labs
• New therapeutic products and diagnostic tools
• Traceability
Click here for more information: http://www.innovet.ca/index.php?langue=en
Congratulations to Dr. W. Eugene Lloyd and Linda Lloyd on having the new veterinary teaching hospital at Iowa State University named for them. Dr. Lloyd and Linda have been generous financial contributors the University and the animal health industry. It is wonderful when such nice people receive this type of recognition. It is these types of gifts that will provide the support for an improved veterinary profession in the future.
Have a great weekend!!
Ron Brakke
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Any use of the contents herein should be approved by and appropriately attributed to Brakke Consulting, Inc.
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Brakke Consulting, Inc.
2735 Villa Creek, Suite 140
Dallas, TX 75234 USA