The Experts in Animal Health

Brakke Viewpoint October 14, 2022

Pet insurance has been available in the USA for more than four decades, and yet the latest statistics from the North American Pet Health Insurance Association (NAPHIA) say that only about 4 million pets in the USA are insured – that’s only 4% of dogs, and a mere 1% of...

Brakke Viewpoint October 7, 2022

Brakke Consulting started using Zoom before it became cool, or at least before its use exploded by the pandemic-driven closure of offices.  Our business needed a “virtual” telephone system that our previous telecommunications provider couldn’t offer and we chose Zoom,...

Brakke Viewpoint September 30, 2022

If you read this newsletter each week, you know we’ve been following the progress of Zoetis’ Solensia (frunevetmab) into the US market.  Although approved by the FDA in January 2022, it was just launched in the US by Zoetis this past week. Solensia opens finally opens...

Brakke Viewpoint September 23, 2022

We are trying something new this week in our Viewpoint, hoping to dispel the idea that you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. To learn about the impact of videos in recruiting, all you need to do is click on the link below…to a short video.  Even an old dog would have...

Brakke Viewpoint September 16, 2022

It was with sorrow we learned of the passing of Queen Elizabeth last week , a long and fruitful life in service to her country and countrymen. As an American, you grow up and are taught certain ideas about the British Monarchy and its role. But after living under the...

Brakke Viewpoint September 9, 2022

For those who are Saturday Night Live fans from the late 70’s may recall Roseanne Rosannadanna’s famous line, “It’s always something.  If it’s not one thing it’s another”. Gas prices continue to decline.  Inflation rates are beginning to moderate.  It seems that the...