The Experts in Animal Health

The AVMA held its 10th annual Veterinary Business and Economic Forum earlier this week.  If you like data, you’d love this conference.  It’s a chock full of results from the latest AVMA studies, as well presentations on other research and economic data.  Attendance has grown steadily from a few dozen people in 2013 to several hundred today, aided in recent years by its online format.

Dana Peterson, chief economist of the Conference Board was the keynote speaker and gave an excellent overview of the state of the US economy.  The Conference Board is predicting a US recession in late 2022 or 2023, but does not expect it to be a deep recession.  Even if there is a recession, veterinarians are likely to fair well, however.  There was ample evidence presented at the Forum that demand for veterinary services is strong and will likely continue that way.

Kudos to AVMA for hosting a very worthwhile event.

Speaking of data, the Brakke US Flea Control and Heartworm Market Report will be available soon.  Flea control is the biggest single product category in animal health and this study provides a great overview of the products and market trends.  Take advantage of the early order period!  It’s one of our most popular studies.

John Volk