The Experts in Animal Health

“First Steps in Commercialization: Market Research and Intellectual Property Issues” is the topic for the next animal health industry breakfast roundtable set for October 10 at the offices of Stinson Morrison Hecker LLP.

Cosponsored by Brakke Consulting and Stinson, the Animal Health Breakfast Roundtable will feature Brakke’s Vice President, John Mannhaupt and consultant Susan Warren as well as Stinson Partner Andrea Sellers. The three will lead discussions on resources for evaluating the animal health marketplace as well as intellectual property issues to consider for animal health products, including compounding and new uses for existing products.

Warren has over 15 years experience in the animal health industry and 25 years experience in diagnostics. Mannhaupt’s specialty in the industry is business analysis and transactions, providing evaluations of businesses or technologies that are either looking for a new owner or seeking to enter the market.

“While patents are obviously the gold standard of intellectual property, there can be other strategies that provide some insulation for a product’s position.  Often these strategies depend on thorough market analysis to determine the likelihood of success,” said Mannhaupt.

“It is important to consider the overall market context and the company’s business goals when developing an intellectual property strategy. Patents are only one of many options available,” noted Sellers, a registered patent attorney whose practice focuses on intellectual property aspects of product development and business transactions.

The October roundtable is the second in a series that Brakke Consulting and Stinson are offering, providing a forum to discuss timely topics relevant to the animal health industry.

The program will begin at 8 a.m. at 1201 Walnut Street, Suite 2900. The deadline for online registration is October 8. To register online, go to

Brakke Consulting is a leading management consulting firm, serving companies in animal health and nutrition, pet care and veterinary services.

Stinson Morrison Hecker’s animal health and nutrition industry group offers comprehensive integrated legal services to companies in the industry and the associations, research organizations and universities that support them.

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