The Experts in Animal Health

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Brakke Consulting’s
Animal Health News & Notes for August 28, 2009

Copyright © Brakke Consulting, Inc.
Editor: Lynn Fondon, DVM, MBA
earnings news
Sanderson Farms
other news
Bio Agri Mix
Chr. Hansen
MGP Ingredients
Royal Canin
Brakke Consulting is pleased to announce the launch of The US Animal Health Industry: Its pioneers and legacy of innovation.  The book documents the history of the companies and associations that significantly impacted the evolution and growth of the animal health industry, and captures the voices of many of the principal players in the industry’s early days.
The book is now available for ordering at $35.00 per copy (plus shipping & handling). For more information, visit our website at
> The Provimi Group reported results for the first half of 2009.  Revenues were EUR 841 million ($1,181 million), a decrease of 23% compared to revenues in the first half of 2008.  On a like-for-like basis, the sales decrease was 17%.  Net loss was (EUR 54 million) compared to a net income of EUR 50 million in the first half of 2008. (company press release)
> Sanderson Farms reported net sales in the third fiscal quarter ended July 31 of $505 million compared with $467 million for the same period a year ago. Net income was $43 million compared with a net loss of ($3.6 million) for the third quarter of fiscal 2008. (Meating Place) 
> Sergeant’s Pet Care Products, Inc. announced the acquisition of a state-of-the-art production facility from MGP Ingredients, Inc. The sale of the Kansas City facility includes all equipment used for the production and packaging of pet-related products, which principally includes extruded plant-based resins and finished pet treats. Financial terms were not disclosed. (PRNewswire)  
> Royal Canin announced the launch of Royal Canin Pug 25, an exclusive diet just for Pugs. Pug 25 is specially formulated with a unique kibble shape that is easy for dogs to grasp and chew, nutrients that help to limit irritation in their loose, folded skin, and a balanced protein and fat content to help them maintain a healthy body weight. (PRNewswire) 
> Chr. Hansen announced the launch of GalliPro Tect, a new direct-fed microbial containing select bacillus microbials available in both water-soluble and feed-grade formulations. (Feedstuffs)
> CANADA   Phibro Animal Health Corporation and Bio Agri Mix LP announced that Bio Agri Mix will be the exclusive distributor in Canada for Phibro’s medicated feed additives. (  
> BRAZIL  Bertin, Brazil’s second-largest beef exporter, announced it may sell stock in an initial public offering to raise cash and fund future investments. Bertin, which is also Brazil’s largest leather exporter, expects sales in 2009 to jump 25% about 9.4 billion reais ($5.1 billion). (Reuters) 
>  CHILE – H1N1 INFLUENZA   Chile reported that tests show that the H1N1 flu has jumped to turkeys. The infected turkeys have suffered only mild effects. Chile’s health ministry ordered a quarantine for two turkey farms outside the port city of Valparaiso. (AP)
> US – MUMS CLARIFICATION   The FDA has defined “small number of animals” for minor use designation under the Minor Use and Minor Species Animal Health Act of 2004.  “Small number of animals” means equal to or less than 50,000 horses, 70,000 dogs, 120,000 cats, 310,000 cattle, 1.45 million pigs, 14 million turkeys and 72 million chickens. (Veterinary Practice News)
> DENMARK – FMD TEST   A group of Danish researchers reported finding a new test for foot and mouth disease that can determine whether antibodies are from disease or vaccination.  Although antibody tests are not new, they have not previously been able to determine whether cattle have developed antibodies from the sickness itself, or whether the antibodies are the result of a vaccination. (KSU Bites –
> US – E COLI SUSCEPTIBILITY   A new study by researchers at Kansas State University suggests that when compared to conventionally raised beef cattle, organic and natural production systems do not impact antibiotic susceptibility of E. coli O157:H7. This discovery emphasizes that although popular for their suggested health benefit, little is actually known about the effects of organic and natural beef production on foodborne pathogens. The findings can be found in the August 2009 issue of the journal Applied & Environmental Microbiology. (Feedstuffs)
> US – BEEF INDUSTRY ADVISORY GROUP   Beef industry leaders announced the formation of the North American Food Animal Well-being Commission for Beef (NAFAWC-Beef), a new independent advisory group to focus on beef cattle health and well-being.  The group includes 21 inaugural members selected for their expertise in animal care and handling. (Meating Place)
> US – ONE HEALTH   A new national commission, the One Health Commission, has been established to spotlight the connections between human, animal, and environmental health, as well as the benefits of proactive and collaborative approaches toward better health for all. The Commission’s initial action plan calls for hosting a national One Health Summit this fall and conducting a National Academies study on “one health” in 2010. For more information, visit . (Emediawire)
OCTOBER 27 – 28, 2009
Brakke Consulting announces a two day seminar covering the details of due diligence, a key element in the successful acquisition of companies, assets and intellectual property.
The seminar is designed to increase a company’s probability of success in a purchase or sale by providing the details to ensure that all the important phases of the due diligence process are included. Speakers at the Brakke seminar will include Ron Brakke, John Mannhaupt and Joel Adamson, Brakke personnel who are well experienced in due diligence, as well as outside speakers from the finance industry and the legal profession.
For more information, visit our website at
We hope to see many of you in Kansas City over the next few days.  It should be a fun and productive weekend for the industry.  The Central Veterinary Conference starts the weekend off with an extensive array of continuing education programs for veterinarians, along with excellent commercial exhibits that will allow manufacturers and distributors to interface with their veterinary customers.  The CVC is expecting a robust attendance of over 3,000 veterinarians and team members who are all in private practice.
On Monday night, August 31, there will be over 750 animal health industry managers attending the KC Animal Health Corridor Homecoming Event.  There is still room for more, so we hope to see you there.  We will be launching our history of the US Animal Health Industry book at this event.  This book has been two years in the writing and development, so it’s a big night for those involved in the production of the book for the industry.  I have an advance copy and it looks great! 
Then, on Tuesday September 1st, the KCAHC is sponsoring the first Animal Health Investment Forum.  The registration for this first investment forum exceeded early expectations.  The KCAHC has assembled an excellent mix of venture capital managers and corporate investors to view presentations from 17 companies that were selected from 39 applications.  What a great value-added service to the industry. It should be a productive day for the 175 individuals registered to attend. 
Have a great weekend and think animal health in Kansas City this weekend!!
Ron Brakke
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Brakke Consulting, Inc.
2735 Villa Creek, Suite 140
Dallas, TX  75234    USA